
Afghanistan Calling Card Plan

at only 14.4¢/min!

Enjoy Prepaid provides low-cost, online, international calling plans to call Afghanistan from the United States. Enjoy Prepaid calling plans are the ultimate in convenience. With Enjoy Prepaid pinless dialing you can use your international calling plan without having to enter a PIN. Plus, by opting to use the automatic refill feature, your international calling plan account automatically refills when your balance gets low. Calling Afghanistan has never been more affordable or convenient!

Afghanistan Lowest Calling Card Plan Rates

Ruby Plan
Rounding 5 - minute
Weekly Fee 99.0¢
Connection Fee NONE
Domestic Rate 1.0¢
Toll-free Surcharge 1.0¢ per minute
Payphone Surcharge Up to 99¢
Call from United States to Rate
Afghanistan 14.4 ¢
Afghanistan - Cell 19.9 ¢

For customers who make longer calls, the Ruby Plan offers the absolute lowest rates to all destinations, as well as access from over 100 countries worldwide.

Other Afghanistan Plans

Afghanistan Dialing Instructions

Follow the easy dialing instructions below to use your prepaid phone card:

  1. Dial the Access Number
  2. Enter your PIN (only if you don't have any registered numbers)
  3. Enter the number you wish to call:
    1. For Domestic Calls: Dial 1 + area code + phone number
    2. For Afghanistan Calls: Dial 011 + 93 + city code + phone number

For example, if you are buying a prepaid calling card to Kabul here is how your dialing sequence will look:

011 + 93 (country code for Afghanistan) +
20 (area/city code for Kabul) +
phone number

Please make sure you DO NOT PRESS CALL or SEND BUTTON on your phone after you enter the destination number. This is to avoid being charged by your cellular provider for the international call.

City Name Calling Code Calling Plan Rate
Kabul 20 14.4¢/min

Enjoy Prepaid understands you want to be able to call family, friends, business associates and others in Afghanistan with international calling plans that will save you money and offer additional benefits. Enjoy Prepaid is unique in providing live customer service for our international calling plans --24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Highly trained representatives are available to assist you with questions regarding Enjoy Prepaid international calling cards, calling Afghanistan or our special features and services.


Enjoy Prepaid is a division of NobelOne Inc.

Copyright © 1998 - 2011, NobelOne Inc. Co. All rights reserved.